These days there is a lot of emphasis put on the birth experience. Many first time moms painstaking plan every detail of the birth of their child without knowing that there can be many  twists and turns along the way. Most of us hold onto the idea that if we do the right things, things […]

Check out this article I’m quoted in and let me know what your thoughts are. 5 Signs You’re A Snowplow Parent  

Recently, there’s been a lot of chatter about the difficulties of parenthood on social media sites, like Instagram and Facebook. A new breath of honesty has emerged in which people feel more open and less alone in stating how they really feel about being a parent. The blissful, happy new mother trope has begun to […]

Finding the right therapist can be a daunting task. You are embarking on a very personal journey and your therapist must be someone that you TRUST. It’s important to remember, there is no one size fits all. I made this guide to help you decide and find the best therapist for you. Where to start […]

Let’s face it. Most of us imagine when we are still pregnant what new motherhood will be like. We imagine our days filled with closeness with our little ones, nursing quietly in a sunny spot in our house and easy walks through the neighborhood. For many new moms, this idea shifts around the first month. The […]

Cultivating Presense to Heal

Most of us know someone that is struggling with addiction or perhaps you yourself are struggling. In my practice, I work with people who have both come to therapy to address their drug and alcohol use and those whose addictions are slowly uncovered in the course of treatment. Early in my training I was told, […]